Thursday, November 22, 2012

Look at those wonderful, smiling faces that say, "holy crap, I need more sleep." Alright, besides the horrid sleeping conditions  of a charter bus, I think it's safe to say that everyone who went on the Chicago trip had a good time.
 To start, the conference was a great experience, and I'm very glad that I attended. Aside from being a lot of fun (and rather fancy) I got a lot of useful information out of it. The conference took the topics I had already learned in school, and expanded on them to the point that I felt like I could teach it myself. It was just a great learning experience.
 Speaking of learning experiences, I was super excited to go as far north as Chicago because I don't get the opportunity to travel much. I had never been that far north, and it was really interesting for me to be that close to Lake Michigan. After spending a few days in Chicago  I've come to really like the city, and i do plan to go back sometime soon. I also liked the places we got to go to, and as you can see, we all had fun at The Bean.
 So, all in all, I had a wonderful time in Chicago, and I'm so glad that I decided to go on the trip, despite the absolute lack of sleep.


  1. Well golly, it looks like I missed out on a lot of fun! I'll be honest, I was hesistant about going on the trip because I figured that it would be an "all business and no play" kind of deal. But now I see that going may have actually been a good idea, you learn a lot AND you'll have a great time!

  2. Wow sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! This makes me wish I went..:'(

  3. This seems like a wonderful experience to have! Chicago was probably life changing, can't believe I missed out.

  4. This sounds like it was a great experience! I'm glad that the conferences helped expand the points we learned in class to the point you can teach it yourself so that you could help the rest of us. I wish I could've gone and I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves.

    -Michelle Lipka

  5. Nick, you are so right. The lack of sleep was a major theme in the course of the trip, but it was so worth it
