Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Daily Moments of High School

As a junior in high school I have begun to notice the daily awkward and annoying problems that take place in school. For instance just today I was walking in the hall at a normal pace like I usually do and of course I get stuck behind the slowest person in the world. He was walking at the pace of a snail stuck in molasses and of course every time I tried to walk around him there were people coming from the other direction and I was stuck behind him taking one tiny microscopic step at a time as I waited for him to move forward. I feel like this is a  problem that every student faces in high school and as irritating as it is it happens every day, all the time. Another daily annoyance that is very similar to this is when I'm stuck behind a couple. Not only am I stuck involuntarily watching what seems like a dramatic romance movie in front of me, but, I again cannot get around them. When a couple is constantly together and they are holding hands it is extremely hard to get around them because obviously I can't go through them and they are holding hands just far enough that I can't go around them on either side. I'm all for romance and I'm a pretty sensitive person myself but maybe school is not the place to cling to your partner and disrupt the flow of hallway traffic. Going out of the hallway, let's take a moment to recognize some awkward moments in the classroom. Everyone goes through that moment where their eyes glaze over and they are gazing into what seems like space when actually they are straight staring at a person. This moment is always really awkward and I have been victim to it on multiple occasions. The hardest part of that situation is when you see that person later in the day and accidentally make eye contact with them again which makes things even more awkward between you two. And let's not forget that moment when you are waving to your friend and of course they don't see you so it just looks like you are waving to a wall. Honestly I don't think high school would even be high school without these small daily annoyances and moments. Because if you really think about it, you will never remember that math test you took or the biology lab you conducted but you will remember the things that affected you each and every day and sometimes they might seem unbearable but one day we will all look back and smile at those small moments of awkwardness and we will shrug off the embarrassing moments and  laugh at all the annoying times that we went through. The truth is everybody goes through this and everyone feels the same way; so if these things happen, laugh about it and hopefully if you're like me you're a junior and only have to endure these moments for one more year!

Here are some images that illustrate some of the moments listed above. Enjoy!

If you want to find more of these funny posts go to http://www.funnyquotesbook.com/ 


  1. Ahh yes the traffic of wshs. I can definitely relate to this, and its annoying.

  2. So very true. When I read your blog, I could relate to each situation and could visualize myself in the same position.

    1. I felt the same way! Especially the awkward zoning out and starring at someone.. awkkkk!

  3. You are so true Ana! That awkard moment where I'm staring at a random person happens to me all the time.....

  4. I related so much to this blog, I loved it!

  5. I had the most vivid images in each and every situation you described in the blog! Nice blog overall, very insightful. :)
