Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Bundle of Joy

   May 22, 2009 was a life changing day for the Moussa Family. My little munchkin, Rayan, was brought into this precious world. Looking back, I perfectly remember when my parents sat me down in the dining room with my younger sister when they told us the surprising news. My jaw dropped. I couldn't put my emotions together. I was happy because of the new addition to the family, but I was worried about the responsibilities that came with a newborn. 

   Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I anxiously waited for our bundle of joy to arrive, but my mother wasn't sure of what to name my baby brother, but after I found a name on this website, I knew it would fit perfectly. Rayan means "the door to Heaven" in Arabic. Our family loved it!

   Time flew by and around six P.M. on May 22nd, I heard the beautiful cry of my baby brother. My mother told me to carry my new sibling, but I was terrified that my fidget hands would hurt the fragile newborn. As I felt his warm, soft body meet my skin, we glazed into each other’s eyes as if we already met. I knew that there would be happy years to come. 

   These past three years have been such an excitement. Teaching my little brother new things make me feel like a role model. Things simple as telling him to put on his shoes the right way or even telling him to flush the toilet makes a difference to me even though he may not know it yet. As the oldest in the family, it is my responsibility to teach Rayan life lessons to make him a better person when he grows older.

   Everyone knows how hard it is to deal with toddlers. Rayan’s temper can get pretty extreme in a matter of seconds. Being the youngest of the family, of course he would get spoiled the most. He has learned that whenever he cries for something, he automatically gets it; like a time where I wouldn’t give him my ice-cream sandwich. I told him I would give him half, but Rayan insisted of taking the whole thing. I wanted to teach him a little lesson, so I refused, and I’m pretty sure the entire neighborhood heard his earsplitting screams.

   When Rayan turned two, I truly understood the meaning of the “Terrible Two”. It seemed as if he would never get tired, and always on the lookout for trouble. He was quite reckless! The amount of things he had broken in the house could never be estimated. Rayan always found a way to get a hold of something, even if it was 6 feet off the ground. Out of the numerous things he had wrecked, he hit home when he broke my dad’s favorite thing in the whole house, (not counting me of course) his new fifty inch flat screen T.V. Rayan avoided going into the living room for a couple of weeks, because the sight of the T.V. traumatized him.

   Despite the tantrums and annoying moments of Rayan, he has made my life so much exciting than it was before. The fact that he is turning four in exactly two weeks amazes me. I couldn’t ask for anything better than my little munchkin, Rayan. 


Email me here if you want to see more cute pictures of Rayan! 


  1. This is so cute! I don't have any siblings, so I don't know what living with a younger one is like, but I know how terrible those twos can be with lots of little cousins.

  2. This made my day!WAYYYYYY too adorable and I loved it! He is so cute and looks like an awesome little boy! All the pictures just made it better! However, I definitely understand the terrible two part of the story, I constantly babysit two year olds... yikes!

  3. I like this a lot! I can relate on pretty much all of these bases; I have two little sisters myself. I really enjoyed how you depicted your relationship with your little brother, and how you included both the good times and the bad. He sounds awesome!

  4. Awh, he's so cute! I hate babies because they're fragile and ugly and smell bad and noisy and they suck up your whole life but I'm glad you like your little brother so much. I also really dig the name. I'm naming my first daughter "Zhey," with the "zh" pronounced like the "s" in "treasure." Or the "g" in DiGiorno's. Like, really, naming my first daughter that is a marital requirement for any woman I date.

  5. This was so adorable! I love how you chose his name based on the meaning. The terrible two stage sounds rough! I don't have a younger sibling myself, but I've babysat a few two year olds and it turned out to be quite the experience having to deal with the tantrums. I give you props for handling it so well!

  6. Your brother is adorable! I can definitely relate to your stories because I have a younger brother too. I loved how you chronicled your experiences with him throughout the years. I think he'll learn a lot from you during future years and I hope you guys will stay close.

  7. Well I'm going to follow the trend and declare that your brother is so cute. There is so much you learn and so much to enjoy when you have little siblings. So good to see siblings who, despite it all, really enjoy eachother.
