Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to: Stop Being a Mean Girl

                                                            How to: Stop Being a Mean Girl

Hopefully, we’ve all seen the hilarious Mean Girls movie where Lindsey Lohan plays a high school student who befriends the notorious “mean girls” (aka plastics) at her school. While this was just a movie, high schools across the nation are still filled with girls who seem to think that being mean is the right way to make friends. It has come to my attention that many teenage girls these days have the inability to keep friendships because of their attitudes and cold personalities. While being a “mean girl” may get you attention in high school, it will only cause you problems in the real world. To see what happens when mean girls grow up, click here. This is why I have decided to list a few steps that you can take which will turn you into a good friend who is genuine, kind, and trustworthy.

1.       Be kind. Friendships are filled with sarcasm, jokes, and laughter. This is what makes them so enjoyable. “Mean girls”, however, will take this one step further and constantly make rude and nasty remarks or comments on their so-called friends, and quickly cover them up by saying “just kidding”. It is important to know not to fall for this crap. While making fun of each other is harmless, vicious words are not ok and can cause real damage. Why would you want to hurt your friend’s feelings?  

2.       Be someone others can trust. Real friendships are based on trust. If your friend feels that she can’t tell you things without worrying that you’ll blab on about it to other people, then you’re probably not real friends.

3.       Be there for your friend. Everyone needs someone that they can count on when times get hard. If your friend is having a crisis, BE THERE FOR HER. Help her with what she’s going through, offer comforting advice, drive her cat to the vet when it swallows rat poison, the list can go on and on. There’s always something you can do to make your friend’s crisis better. And if you really can’t think of any way to help, then simply listen to her and be a shoulder to cry on! You would want her to do the same for you.        

4.       NEVER talk bad about your friend behind her back. This should be obvious. If you are gossiping about someone and saying hateful things about her to others, then you obviously don’t like her. Remind me again, why are you still pretending to be her friend?   

5.       Let your guard down. No one wants to be friends with an unemotional robot who never shares her feelings. When your friend tells you important things about her life, it’s ok to show a little emotion. Tell her about your opinions, if you’re sad or excited about something, or important events in your life.  If you don’t share things about yourself, then your friend won’t feel the need to share things with you.

Hopefully, you will take these steps to become a better person and friend. If you’re still happy with being a cold and mean person, then good luck in college honey because no one is going to deal with your crap anymore!   
If you have any questions email me here. 


  1. I'll do my work to follow these guidelines. hopefully, I can lose my rep as a "mean girl" in the process. Just kidding. Nice post, though.

  2. Good post! Love the movie Mean Girls so I like the post! I'll make sure not to become a mean girl!

  3. I loved how you related this to the movie- all of those girls could have been so much nicer if they had thought about what it means to be a real friend.

  4. I really loved the relationship of your post to the movie! I completely agree with the whole mean-girl issue. I'll make sure I follow your advice and try to avoid those who are already considered to be mean!

  5. 6. Remember never to openly discuss your feelings with your friends, especially in cases of conflict or insecurity! Your friends don't want to deal with your innermost pains, particularly when the feelings in question are vaguely critical or could be momentarily hurtful! Also, don't tell your friends what you really want; make sure to play psychological mind games to manipulate people into giving into your desires. :)
