Tuesday, May 7, 2013

When Running Goes Downhill

Having been on a running team for the past three years, I've noticed the lack of spectator support that this sport gets. Why? I can honestly say I have no idea. I mean I understand the long day of watching race after race and how it seems like there really isn't any engaging action in running. In reality, running is simply moving your legs as fast as you can, beating the person next to you while running around in a gigantic oval. I promise though, there's much more to running than meets the eye.

My normal track meet consists of hurdles, high jump, long jump, and a 4x400m relay, and I must admit, I've seen so many entertaining falls and mistakes that I can't help but laugh. One event that I can always count on to make my day more enjoyable is hurdles. While I'm a hurdler myself, I find too much joy in watching others fail and stumble over the hurdle. Watching that person sprint towards the hurdle, leap up, extend their leg forward expecting to clear the hurdle with such grace, then all of a sudden smacking the bar, flailing their arms, and crashing towards the ground is one of the most humorous parts of a track meet for me. As long as they don't get seriously hurt of course. I have done this many times, and even when I'm the one who fell, I still find humor in it.

Each field event actually is extremely enjoyable to watch, due to the fact that it's so easy to make a mistake and fall down. As bad as it sounds, most people would find humor in these mistakes. In pole vault, the bar could break, and in steeple chase, a person could fall face first into the water pit. With all of these events, one is bound to have a humorous or at least exciting outcome.

This is why I don't understand why people refuse to go watch a track meet. I'm not saying go to every single one, but every once in a while it would be nice to have the support. I can promise you, not every event will be boring either. You just need to find the right event to watch, and you'll find yourself fully entertained until the last race goes off.

All I'm asking is that next time you hear over the announcement "Track meet today at 5:30 at...", you'll consider going for support, or even just to watch some funny accidents happen. As you can see from the video of the hurdler, one person can directly affect another person's race, so it won't just be people running in circles. Each meet usually contains one, if not more, failure that will surely keep you laughing and eager for more.

Email me any funny stories from track meets that you've experienced!


  1. Wow it sounds like a lot of things can go wrong in a track meet. I really liked your description of someone trying to jump over the hurdle and then come crashing down too.

  2. This definitley made me consider coming to a track meet. I might just stop by at the next one.

  3. HAHAHA! I totally agree, watching people fall at track meets just make the day better... as long as they are okay! VERY funny post enjoyed it!

  4. I've seen this before - it's so much fun to watch! If I go to any running events, it's usually cross country, but I might just have to go to a track meet sometime. I loved that video!

  5. I like how honest you are about enjoying the mistakes and falls of yourself and others at the meet. You have really inspired me to come out and support the sport. I felt like I could relate in part becuase crew (boat races) can be the same way. No one wants to come watch a whole day of boats going down the river, but it is so worth it to see a wicked crab (oar pulls person out or almost out of the boat) or even watch a boat flip.
