Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Harriet the Spy... Well Sort of

Ever since I saw that movie I've wanted to be a spy, I remember how I would hide in my mom’s car and write down notes about my neighbors… yes, I was in fact a weird child. However, I still have a knack for eavesdropping which makes me feel even more like a spy... I tend to know too much about everyone and I mean I know a LOT about people.

Of course, social networks do half the work for me as personal information is flung around willy nilly, which I kind of like as I just have to scroll down on their page to find out bits and pieces of their life. Yet, walking in the halls or sitting in class I'm always likely to find out some juicy bit of information. I love hearing the group drama of the day and then walking to the next class and hearing the other side. I feel like I’m the secret spy for the group but of course I wouldn't blabber it to someone else since it’s not my place and I'd seem creepy like some neighborhood stalker but I'm not. The image of John Waters, the director of Hairspray, doing the “creep” from the SNL skit with The lonely Island, always comes into mind when I think of a stalker… Don’t ask me why, just admire his creepiness.

The only downside of eavesdropping is when I hear something truly disappointing that makes me doubt mankind. The occasional hallway gossip you hear that involves bashing someone simply because of how they look or because of their ethnicity is just wrong! I just don't understand why I hold any faith in humanity but then I get back to reality and thank the lord I have intellectual friends who eventually make me realize not every person is that shallow. That was a little harsh but let’s face it, in high school shallow people exist.  

Okay, now back to the point. Some tips for the amateur eavesdroppers out there, don’t be too obvious with eavesdropping! Then that's just annoying and really awkward for all the outside parties, you got be subtle or pretend to be zoned out, usually I pretend to read or be doing homework… BUT I’M REALLY LISTENING TO THEIR LIFE STORIES and they don't even know it!!! However, being obvious and staring right at the person is a no no! I can see you with your mouth open and you trying to casually listen in and therefore will not tell my wonderful and magically secrets!!!! 

This was the best demonstration I could give about the description of being obvious... although no one puts their hand to their ear if they are right next to you... otherwise you're not just obvious you're well... just not the brightest. Anyways!!!! Only expert eavesdroppers get to hear the juciest secrets... Yeah that's me… I get to hear those.

For any other comments on eavesdropping, or funny stories, email me!


  1. I definitely agree that the rise of social networking has resulted in private information being not-so-private. I never saw the SNL skit, but it sounds creepy and funny!

  2. I love how you included the Lonely Island; they're so hilarious. Oh and your take on eavesdropping is well...interesting.

  3. I could totally hear you talking in this. A big no-no! That was hilarious. I think everyone eavesdrops, even if they try not to; it's a part of being human and having ears. But I agree, don't be obvious!

  4. I eavesdrop a lot, too, simply because drama is kind of distracting, but in a good way. It's really embarassing for me when I know something about a person and they don't know how I know. I'm not a creeper; I just tend to remember unimportant stuff about people that in a few years I will never see again. Totally normal. Thanks a lot, brain.

  5. I completely agree with loving eavesdropping. It's always interesting to hear about other people's drama and it helps you feel better about your life knowing that your not the only one who has any. You're definately quite the eavesdropper. ;)

  6. Way to make me want to shut my mouth and open my ears! I know exactly where you are coming from with the concern for mankind thing though, I hope I'm always part of the solution and not the problem.

  7. I also have the tendency to eavesdrop as well which is probably pretty weird at times. Listening to other people is a good distraction to what's happening in your life. I think your take on eavesdropping was really funny and I hope I'm not one of those people that makes eavesdropping really obvious.
