Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Longwinded Post Concerning Cats (Helen Keim)

     You would not believe how long it took me to come up with a topic to blog about. I tried all the normal ways (brainstorming, asking your friends, asking them again) but that just seemed to end in lots of annoyed band kids and no new ideas. I tried looking at random scenery like they do on Project Runway for inspiration, but still no luck. I even resorted to scouring the internet which turned into unproductive Facebook stalking pretty quickly. The pages flew by in my planner as the due date drew near and my stress level rose. Then suddenly, I realized that the perfect topic has been literally staring me in the face (and standing on my keyboard…): cats!
     I have had at least one cat in my house at all times since I was born. They were always tolerant of me pulling their tails and not being very gentle as a little kid, and they still work their magic by changing crappy days at school into relaxing evenings. Because I am aware that not everyone likes cats as much as I do, I present my top five reasons for why cats are the greatest pets ever in hopes of changing your mind.

1.       Cats have personalities.
As far as I know, dogs have two modes: super excited and unconscious. Cats are far superior because they shake it up a bit in the personality department. For example, my cats, Mollie and Annie are resourceful enough to have created their own version of hockey. The rules are simple: bat your dry food around the kitchen floor until you get bored or get caught.

2.       Cat hair on your clothes is totally in style.
Just wait and see if you don’t believe me.

3.       Cats are an awesome way to lower your heating bill in the winter.
With each cat at a toasty 102.5 degrees, they work nicely as heaters if you can get one to sit on your lap.

4.       Cats require significantly less exercise than dogs.
Ever wished your dog walked itself? Well cats do!

5.       Cats are great companions.
There is nothing better after a bad test or a fight with our best friend than a cat who is always happy to see you. No slobber or weird wet dog smell, just a purring comforter.

     I hope that this has convinced you to love cats as much as I do (If not, I have some work to do on arguing before my AP Lang exam…). Click here to see a great website to find a rescued cat in the DC area. Or click here to email me your cat story and/or rant about why I’m wrong!


  1. I have a cat named Annie too! I definitely agree that cats are superior to dogs - they have so many hidden talents. My Annie can practically hiss and growl at the same time. My other cat, Smokie, can make friends with anyone. - Megan Beissner

  2. I have a cat that looks like a rug. Its name is Little Meow, it weighs 25 pounds, and it enjoys sleeping on shoes. I don't know why anyone would choose a dog over a walking rug.

  3. The above post was by Sarah Schlichting

  4. Our cat Lily doesn't normally watch TV, but yesterday morning we were flipping through the channels and a documentary about "big cats" (lions, cheetahs, etc.) came on and she was transfixed. She was staring for so long that I even had time to get out my video camera.
