Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Magic of Makeup...Without the Mess! (Stine Burke)

I’ll admit it: thick, black eyeliner is my guilty pleasure.
My first experience with the handy tool was in the sixth grade during my “Year of the Tomboy”. Ever since I was little, I’ve always had a round, baby-looking face. Without anything on, I look like I’m fourteen. As a sixth grader, that problem was much worse. I looked like I was nine.
Frustrated with my baby-face, I decided to swallow my tomboyish pride just so I could look my age. That’s when I asked my mom for eyeliner.
Now, during this same time, I was very into the whole “gothic” and “emo” apparel. In addition to my black clothes, I thought that the eyeliner added to the image.
Let me tell you something about the black eyeliner when I entered Middle School: the more layers of eyeliner that you add, the smearier it gets. At the end of the day, I always came home with black streaks running down my face. Thus came my nickname for my black makeup: Raccoon Eyes.

Yeah...that’s not attractive at all.
Now that I’m in High School and I have learned my lessons with makeup, I developed a few tips on what is better to wear to school so that you don’t end up like a raccoon (unless you like that look...)
Tip 1:
It’s better not to wear any eyeliner on your waterline.
This is because the waterline is the oiliest part of the eye. When the oil builds up here, it causes the makeup to smear, so that’s why it looks like you have black tears (or brown, or blue, or whatever color you used). Since you’re going to be running around all day at school, the oil will build up faster. Bingo! Raccoon Eyes occur. That’s why eyeliner should go on the top lid, since it’s not as oily as the waterline.
Tip 2:
If you’re wearing eye shadow, wear a base/primer.
An eye makeup base/primer makes sure that your makeup does not crease or smear, and it also makes the colors more vibrant and last longer. Bases/primers can be expensive, however, but it’s an absolute necessity for multiple-hour wearing makeup. One of the most famous eye bases is Urban Decay’s Primer Potion, yet it can cost up to $18 at the Sephora store. Two kinds that I personally use are Boots Botanic’s Soothing Eye Base (up to $9) and Elf’s Eye Primer ($1).
Tip 3:
White or cream-colored eye shadow in the inner corners of your eye will make you look more awake.
Dark eye shadow and eyeliner close up the eye, making it look smaller, while white/cream colors will make the eyes open up wider. This is why some girls will wear white eyeliner on the waterline, since it makes the eyes look bigger.
Tip 4:
If you absolutely need to have black eyeliner on the top and bottom lashlines, set it with black eyeshadow.
Putting black eye shadow over the black eyeliner not only makes the lines darker, but it also acts like a pressing powder that is used for the face. This way, the eyeliner will not smear as easily and can last much longer.
Tip 5:
Wrapping an ice cube in a paper towel and rubbing it around your face reduces sweating.
I’m not sure why this works, but it’s just a trick that I’ve learned from multiple gurus, like Michelle Phan (click here) and Audfaced (click here). When the sweating reduces, the eyes won’t get as oily, meaning that your makeup will last longer.
Have tips of your own? Share them here.


  1. The ice cube tip is definitely a plus! I plan to use your tips. I like how you set up your post with a little anecdote it was refreshing.

    -Lehna Asongwe

  2. I too agree that your tips were more enjoyable to read (and more credible) because of your initial anecdote. Thanks for the tips, Stine!
