Friday, May 11, 2012

Who Says Tots Can't Write Too? An inspiring blog by Mary Claire Ragan

When it comes to writing in high school, it seems to be very involved, complex, creative, and requires hours on end to perfect a piece. However, before we ever knew how to write a persuasive essay, do a works cited page, incorporate quotes, write a thesis, or even a sentence for that matter- where did it all begin? If I had a time machine to go back in time, I would interview myself in my toddler years when I first became influenced by a piece of paper and a writing utensil. The bad news- I have no time machine. The good news- I have a three year old niece!

My niece Amina is just about the happiest little girl I know. She loves Disney princesses, Dora the Explorer, dancing, ballerinas, and fortunately for me, writing! For only being three, Amina interacts with people surprisingly well. She can ask me questions, she can answer my questions, she offers her opinion (which isn’t always pleasant, particularly when she doesn’t get what she want), and she can even sing songs. So, I had a three year old who is wildly entertaining, a video camera, and a blog assignment to complete. What does this equation add up to? An interview with a three year old. Below, you can watch the video to get the full scope of our interview, which I highly suggest. JUST KIDDING BECAUSE THIS BLOG IS AWESOME AND WON'T SUPPORT MY VIDEO FILE. 

If you could have seen the amazing interview, you would've learned that Amina is in the process of learning how to write her name! I actually find it very interesting watching her try and write her name, how she carefully writes out each letter, drawing an “I” but calling it the letter “y”, and the way that the lines are never straight even though she concentrates so hard writing those five simple letters. I always wonder what goes on through Amina’s head when she’s trying to write. I actually remember when I first learned how to spell my name. I must’ve only been in preschool, but writing out M-A-R-Y C-L-A-I-R-E seemed next to impossible. How could my little hands tackle such a big word? Sitting in my T.V. room, using a Crayola colored pencil and a crisp, white sheet of paper, I finally learned how to write out my name. It looked so beautiful to me, my name written by my hands; I had to let everyone know. I went running through the house screaming with excitement,

 How glorious that moment was until my blanket slipped underneath my feet on a hardwood floor, and then WHAM... My face was plowed into a concrete ground. My lip started to swell, and my mom threw away my favorite childhood blanket. This memory is probably still so prominent in my head because of how traumatizing it was to experience as a toddler. I could finally spell my name, but my yellow knitted blanket was gone forever...

Hopefully Amina’s triumph won’t take her down the same, painful road as it did for me. So far, her journey has been successful, and I’m lucky enough to watch her grow, learn, and play. Amina used to tell me when we were drawing together“I’m going to draw you a smiley face!” and then create wonderful little scribbles on a page, but now she can actually draw two eyes and a smile! If she’s anything like I was when I started to go through the early years of elementary school, she’ll be making her own stories or trying to create books. I can’t wait for her to really start writing, mostly so I can laugh at the silly things she writes, but also to admire and praise her for her increase in knowlegde. It’s so wonderful all of the things I learn from her, and all of the hilarious moments I share with her. If she ever finds this blog somehow when she’s older, I hope she doesn’t hate me for this, but I just have to share the video of her dancing too (one of her favorite things to do). Right now she’s dreaming of becoming a ballerina, and is even in dance classes! Anyways, here’s the amazing video. Enjoy. NOT REALLY! But here are pictures...

Well, that's all folks. Email me if you want to say how adorable Amina is and how bummed you are about not seeing that interview. 


  1. very cute and inspiring! Who knows, she might be the next J.K Rowling! By the way, my sister has the same name :) - Maham Siddiqui

  2. I wish the videos would have uploaded! They sounded adorable. :)

  3. I too wish the videos had loaded! Mary Claire, you will be a great aunt who helps support her growth as a writer -- I can already tell.
