Thursday, May 10, 2012

You Already Know Though (Anna Goodwin)

Life is short, so let's live it up.

Eat that extra brownie without worrying about bikini season.
Ask that hot girl/guy for their number with a cheesy pickup line.
Make a Youtube video parodying a well-known saying?

After all, you only live once. YOLO.

After Drake's new, song "The Motto" was released, thousands of teenagers were enlightened. No longer do they save things for their next life after reincarnation. They have finally realized that they truly "only live once".

 YOLO has become a common saying leading to excuses for things like eating an extra brownie to not wearing a jacket on a cold day. If you have not noticed this epidemic, this Youtube video explains it perfectly. And if you think watching a bunch of immature, awkward teenage boys caught in puberty on Youtube isn't worth your time, just remember-You only live once:

I am in no way against this growing epidemic. Although I do not endorse situations that use yolo as an excuse to jump off bridges or drive drunk, hoping a broken neck won't come out of the process, I do think that we can learn a lot from Drake's creed.

People waste their time with far too many worries. I fear people aren't using yolo in areas of their life where they need them the most.

1. Stress
Living in Fairfax County, half an hour from DC, everything is so fast paced. Sign up for 12 APs, get a job, join a sport, get into the top colleges. With all this pressure, it's hard to experience high school the way it's supposed to be experienced. It's only 4 years of our life, but that is 4 years of our life. Imagine how many heart beats, how many breaths that is. We only live once, so why stress? We should be enjoying ourselves. It may be hard to turn the stress off, but think of it this way: what's the worst that could happen? You miss a homework assignment? You don't get into the college of your dreams? Life is what you make of it, so even if you don't make it into an Ivy League, you can still be happy. It's all about your attitude.

2. Bad News
So, I don't know if you've heard, but life isn't fair. Bad things happen all the time. Sucks to be you. But guess what. I don't care. Everyone has hard times. Everyone experiences pain. Some may experience it more than others, but that's the way the world works. You can't change that. But that doesn't mean you should go around throwing yourself pity parties all the time. Why swim in your own tears when you could be swimming with a bunch of shirtless guys or girls in bikinis at the pool? Yeah, life sucks sometimes, but you only live once. Don't waste your time on bad emotions. If you need to cry, call a friend and get a pint. Of ice cream. Then pick yourself back up and be happy. By the way, a child in Africa just died of starvation. You better be grateful that you even got to drown your sorrows in that pint of ice cream.

3. The Future
I'm going to say it right now: even if I end up working the night shift in a crappy bar with nothing but a cardboard box to live in, I will still be happy. And if I'm not happy, I will take the initiative to change my life. You only live once, so don't waste your time worrying about what will happen in the future. Live in the moment. Go with the flow. Whatever happens, happens. You need to realize that it's your decision to be happy. You will always be able to change something about your life-- whether that be your situation or attitude. 

When you're tied up to the oxygen machine taking your last breath, you won't be counting the number of beach houses you own in your head. You will be too busy smiling at all the memories flashing before your eyes. By not worrying about school, or wallowing in bad news, or stressing about the future, you create more time for happiness. YOLO.

Email me if you have any comments or questions.


  1. I totally agree with this! I feel as though YOLO is just an excuse to do things we wouldn't normally do. You Only Live Once, so we should use our time wisely! We should tell the people we love, that we care about them. We should strive to be better people!

  2. Over spring break my mission trip team's motto was YOLO (: I did a lot of things that I wouldn't have usually, like jumping into a pool fully clothed in jeans and a t-shirt, pretty crazy right? But I totally agree with you. When I am on that oxygen machine, I wont remember not having to ring out my soaking wet clothes, I will remember how much fun I had. Well said anna!

  3. Hey Anna just wanted to are awesome!! Anywho your voice is really profound in this blog and I love how I can hear you ranting in my head when I read your post! Great post!

    -Lehna Asongwe

  4. I think you did an awesome job of ranting without sounding like a whiney teenager. Great voice too!


  5. I know everyone else has already mentioned voice.. but when I was reading it in my mind, I read it with your voice. I love this! YOLO :)

  6. I love how you encompassed the importance of living in the moment with the allusion that we all recognize and how you incorporated your humor with a serious message. LOVE IT

  7. I LOVE THIS! I completely agree with everything you said and am going to try living by the motto like you said:)
    p.s. that tid bit about kids in Africa was very effective

  8. Your information about stress in Fairfax County is so true and I think we all suffer from ridiculous pressures. While I HATE "YOLO" and think people use it to excuse stupid actions, it's very true that we only live once and need to make the most of it. Great job:)

  9. WSWC tutors exemplifiying YOLO:
    - carrying a giant pink crayon around the high school hallways
    - putting on a terrifying Spartan mask and calling oneself "Mr. Write"
    - singing writing center-themed carols in the school's lobby as people walk by, staring and rolling their eyes and... SMILING.

    Great post, Anna.
